TRIBUTES have been paid to a much-loved vicar who was devoted to the church and to his family.

Father Noel Bryce Burt, of Gainford, County Durham, died aged 83, on Monday.

Reverend Burt was vicar of Ingleton, near Darlington, for 12 years from 1976.

He retired in 1988 but kept working as a locum vicar at churches in County Durham and gave his last service three weeks ago. He was also honorary assistant at St Helens Auckland for the past ten years.

Father Robert McTeer, vicar of St Helens, said: "He was very much loved by the congregation, especially the young people at the church."

Mr Burt was born in Lancashire and served as a captain in the Burma Frontier Force during the Second World War.

He studied at Clare College, Cambridge, before going on to study Theology at Cuddeson College, Oxford. His first curacy was at York, where he met his wife of 53 years, Barbara.

He was devoted to the church and was a traditionalist with a strong belief in the traditional church service

Mrs Burt said: "He'd wanted to be a vicar since he was a child and sang in the church choir. He was very well thought of and everyone's been very kind, we've had lots of cards."

His daughter, Fiona Burt, said: "He had a great sense of humour. He was also a great family man."

Mr Burt also leaves four other children Edward, Humphrey, Robin and Felicity, and his ten grandchildren.

He will be received into St Helens Church at 6pm on Monday. There will be a Requiem Mass on Tuesday at noon, followed by cremation at Darlington Crematorium. The family has requested no flowers and donations if desired can be given for St Helens Church.