KNOWING production costs, getting to grips with cross-compliance, and export opportunities are among the topics to be discussed at North Sheep, the Northern Sheep Association's biennial event at Whinfell Park, Penrith, on Wednesday, June 1.

Caroline Drummond, chief executive of Leaf, and sheep producer Robert Helliwell will offer practical solutions to issues emerging in cross-compliance. Clare Wise, Red Meat Industry Forum on-farm bench- marking project manager, will challenge farmers to know their production costs and epxlain the benefits of the RMIF's bench marking initiative.

Both seminars will be chaired by Cumbrian farmer, John Geldard, and there will be ample opportunities for questions.

Northumbria producer, Hans Prksen, will chair seminars at which Dr Michael Fontaine from the Moredun Research Institute will discuss health issues, and Len Chamberlain, North Yorkshire County Council's export development project manager, will outline real export opportunities for genetics, equipment, knowledge and skills.