THE final improvements to Hutton Rudby Village Hall will be revealed on Wednesday.

Younger villagers can enjoy organised activities in the new outdoor play area from 5.30. The playground will then be open daily for children of primary school age.

At 6.30, the newly-created Tarran Room will be officially opened by Harry and Mary Tarran, who have given the room as the final part of the refurbishment of the hall.

It will provide a venue for social events, meetings and groups.

Refreshments will follow and then, at 7.30, there is the annual meeting of the village hall committee. All local residents are invited to attend any or all of the events.

Every home has also been given a brochure detailing the facilities now available and the cost of hiring rooms. Denise Robertson, chairman of the village hall trustees, said the refurbishment work had come in close to budget.