A TEENAGER with a passion for the countryside has become the youngest member of the Yorkshire Dry Stone Walling Guild.

Matthew Hacket-Pain, aged 14, from Preston under Scar, near Leyburn, tackled his first project two weeks ago when he repaired a boundary wall for a pensioner in the village.

He was sponsored by another resident, Eric Pounder, who was impressed by the Wensleydale School student's enthusiasm for rural activities - Matthew has his own flock of hens and sells the eggs locally, and he helps as a beater on a local estate.

Mr Pounder and his wife, Joan, have known Matthew's family for many years. They gave money towards a visit to the Amala charity project in India by Matthew's brother, Andrew, 17, and another local teenager.

"Eric also wanted to do something for Matthew, whose father died before he was born, and he agreed to sponsor his dry stone walling," said Mrs Pounder. "Matthew is a real country boy and he loved walling, although he had never done any before. He's a smashing lad."

John Clifton, a master waller from the Yorkshire guild, spent the weekend in the village, showing the teenager the art before leaving him to complete the wall top.

The wall separates the driveway of a house from a farmer's field containing ewes and lambs.

"Matthew tackled the problem with great determination and rebuilt about six metres of wall," said Mr Clifton, from Thirsk.

Matthew hopes to go to agricultural college with a view to working outdoors, possibly as a gamekeeper. The guild hopes he will demonstrate walling at agricultural shows this summer.

Young people wishing to try walling can contact Mr Clifton on 01845 567594.