THE family of a North-East motorcyclist killed at the weekend have paid tribute to the kind-hearted man.

Jimmy Sowerby, from Busty Terrace, Shildon, County Durham, died instantly in a collision with a car at Winscales, near Workington, West Cumbria, on Sunday evening.

The 70-year-old had been taking part in The Founders Rally with the Northumbrian section of the Vintage Motorcycle Club when the accident happened.

His niece, Lesley Grant, 37, from Oaklea, Shildon, said her uncle had died doing something he loved.

Over the years, he had competed in sidecar racing and scrambling events and went away most weekends with his friends from the motorcycle club.

She said: "Biking was a really important part of his life. He was a very accomplished biker and he was always working on his bikes.

"He had lots and lots of friends. So many, it is difficult to know who to contact to tell them what has happened.''

Mrs Grant said her uncle was very young at heart and looked more like a man in his fifties than a 70-year-old.

She said: "It is hard to believe he was 70, because he was so active. He was always there for his family and friends and would take people shopping. He even walked a friend's dog every day. He did all this and he never wanted anything in return.

"It was his birthday six weeks ago, and he told us he did not want any fuss. I think all of this would be too much for him, but I think he deserves to be recognised because he was so important to so many people.''

A spokesperson for the Northumbrian Vintage Motorcycle Club also paid tribute to "a friend".

He said: "He was a quiet, unassuming person. He was an extremely likeable man who will be missed by all who knew him. He will be a terrible loss."