STUDENTS at a Darlington college have held a mock election to run parallel with the national campaign.

The candidates, from Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College, in Vane Terrace, produced manifestos explaining their party policies, campaigned vigorously and took part in a hustings debate prior to votes being cast on Tuesday.

Anita Blackburn, the college's assistant principal, said: "The mock election result reflects the main concerns of young people who are eligible to vote for the first time.

"University top-up fees, the Iraq war and inequalities in society were key factors in voting choices."

The Liberal Democrat candidate Christopher Sheppard, pictured, won the election, polling 37 per cent of the vote, and Labour candidate Andrew Winkworth came second with 20 per cent.

Director of studies Joy Colthup, who organised the event, said: "The mock election helped young people to think about the issues before voting and gave those students who are too young to vote in this General Election the chance to express their opinion."

The full results were: Liberal Democrats 37 per cent, Labour 20 per cent, Socialist Labour 16 per cent, Make Poverty History 16 per cent and Conservative ten per cent.