AN IT service and support group with plans to become a national brand has published a free guide to computer jargon.

The light-hearted booklet explains the technical terms used in the IT world so that small businesses can better understand their hardware and software.

It has been compiled by Newcastle-based Technology Services Group (TSG).

Head of marketing Tony Hitchens said: "People feel bamboozled by the sheer volume of technical terms many IT specialists use.

"We decided to stamp out geek-speak once and for all, by producing a jargon buster that is available free to anyone who would like a copy."

The illustrated booklet gives definitions for commonly-used terms, ranging from the simple, such as broadband, to more complex, such as GPRS, a service that allows the user to send and receive information across a mobile telephone network.

TSG employs more than 400 staff in 12 offices across the UK, and has a turnover of £37m. It provides IT services to more than 9,000 small and medium-sized businesses.

Copies of the guide are available from all TSG regional offices, by phone on 0845 11 11 66, or ordered from the website,