AN inquiry is being launched to investigate whether a series of arson attacks are linked.

Firefighters say whoever is responsible must be caught before someone is killed.

More than 14 fires have been started in the Haverton Hill and Port Clarence areas of Teesside in two months.

Targets have included the Port Clarence Community Centre, a car parts centre, which had to be bulldozed, the derelict Queen's Head Hotel, which has been set alight five times this year, and a number of cars.

The latest target was a stable block now used as a works compound. The blaze early yesterday destroyed nearly half the building's roof.

Steve Owens, of Billingham Fire Station, said: "It is being treated as suspicious. It is under investigation to see if there is any link with the other incidents.

"There have been a run of incidents down here; quite a few fires, including the community centre."

A police spokeswoman said: "We are appealing for help from the public and any information regarding any fires in the area would be gratefully received."

The latest fire, in Windsor Street, is being investigated by officers.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Almost 90 per cent of fires in the area are malicious.