A BUSINESSMAN was recovering at home yesterday after he was tied up and beaten by robbers armed with a revolver and baseball bats.

The 45-year-old man, who does not want to be named, said it was a frightening experience, but that you "just have to get on with things".

He was alone in his home in Carlton Miniott, near Thirsk, North Yorkshire, at 10.30pm on Monday when three men burst in through an unlocked door.

They were wearing camouflage clothing and dark balaclavas. One was carrying a baseball bat and a small revolver. The second had a purple or deep-red baseball bat and the third was carrying a pickaxe handle.

All three were under 6ft and spoke with West Yorkshire accents.

They told him to give them money, and when he refused, they hit him with one of the bats.

He then gave them what police have described as a considerable amount of money, then tied him up and escaped.

The victim said yesterday: "It was a frightening experience and I certainly would not recommend it, but it is onwards and upwards.

"You have just got to get on with things. The police have been very good."

One villager said: "Carlton Miniott is a very quiet place, and you do not really expect this sort of thing to happen. It is frightening to think that this has happened here, and a shock to hear that they were armed."

Anyone with information about the men or who saw anything suspicious in the area is asked to call police on (01609) 789452.