PEOPLE in Hurworth have launched a fresh wave of opposition to controversial plans for new homes in the village.

Residents and parish councillors met on Tuesday to consider amended proposals for a development scheme at Hurworth Place.

They agreed the new application did not address fears of flooding.

They want Darlington Borough Council to at least have a site visit.

The community is pinning its hopes on an Environment Agency report objecting to the project because flood risk issues have not been dealt with.

The borough council was also accused of "not caring" about the effect of the scheme on local people.

Concerns first surfaced last year over plans to build 17 houses and four apartments at Croft House, Tees View.

The amended scheme is for two detached homes and 14 town houses with one property being reduced in height. Residential floor levels would be raised by 5ft.

At Tuesday's special meeting, parish council chairman, Coun Clive Bullock, said: "The amendments are by no means satisfactory."

He said Darlington Council should take notice of the Environment Agency report which says the development would increase surface water run-off from the site.

The plans did not include an assessment of the impact of this increase.

Coun John Lawrie said: "It is inconceivable that a planning committee would ignore this and approve such a scheme."

Coun Alan Gibson said someone should be at the meeting when the scheme was considered - possibly on Wednesday.

Coun Peter Foster said he hoped to be at the meeting and would press for a site visit.

"This is vital because of the dangers involved," he said.

Coun Gibson felt flooding was not the only issue.

"This scheme is not suitable," he said. "There will be over-development. It is a contradiction in terms to build town houses in a rural setting."

A Bridge Terrace resident said the amended plans did not address flooding or the effect on properties.

"The scheme is out of character," she said.

Coun Bullock said: "The planning councillors don't know the area and quite frankly they don't care."