PEOPLE turned up in their hundreds to a charity night in memory of a baby who died from a rare disease.

Nearly £4,000 was raised for the Butterwick Children's Hospice, where three-month-old Leah Lloyd lost her battle against Hirschsprung's Disease.

The condition, which is thought to affect just one in every 5,000 babies, means nerves in the bowel are missing, causing serious intestinal blockages.

Baby Leah died in February, four weeks after the diagnosis, and spent her final days in the Stockton hospice with parents Tony Lloyd and Nikki Hierons by her side.

People of South Bank, near Middlesbrough, packed a charity night in aid of the youngster, last weekend at St Peter's Social Club.

The overwhelming success of the evening was co-ordinated by volunteers from South Bank Women's Centre.

Events included a karaoke and disco, raffle, tombola and bingo. An auction of sporting merchandise, including Middlesbrough Football Club shirts, was also held.

The total amount raised was £3,785. Leah's grandmother, Kathy Lloyd, manager at the Women's Centre, spoke of her delight and appreciation towards everyone who helped.

She said: "It was a complete sell-out and the money just kept pouring in. Everyone has been so touched by Leah's short life and gave generously in every way possible. It was an amazing show of community spirit."

At the time of their baby's death, parents Tony, 23, and Nikki, 24, vowed to spread the word about Hirschsprung's and hold a fundraiser for the Butterwick.

Office clerk Nikki said: "We went from a hospital, where the nurses have to make the decisions, to somewhere we made the choices.

"It really felt like she was our baby during our time at the hospice and we are so thankful for that."