THE verdict on who should govern Britain dominates today's front pages and news bulletins.

But vitally important though that verdict is for us all, we should not let the General Election overshadow the importance of today as the 60th anniversary of VE Day.

Britain has decided that the main focus of its commemorations will be July 10, as the designated day to combine the anniversaries of Victory in Europe and Victory in Japan.

But today is a special day in itself - a day when young and old should stop to think and remember the sacrifices made by so many in the Second World War.

All this week, the pages of The Northern Echo from 60 years ago have brought those times back to life, stirring memories of fear and hope.

And today, our statue of The Forgotten Hero - Andrew Mynarski - will be cast in bronze, ready for its emotional unveiling at Durham Tees Valley Airport on June 4.

Mynarski died striving to preserve freedom and trying to save a crewmate as their burning Lancaster bomber hurtled to the ground. His statue will stand as a lasting reminder of one man's sacrifice, and as a symbol of the courage of a generation.

Thanks to the success of our appeal, a once forgotten hero will be remembered for a long time to come.

Today - the 60th anniversary of VE Day - remember all those who fought with him.