A CHARITY football tournament which pays tribute to a woman who died of cancer has raised £2,500 for research into the disease.

More than 200 supporters were at the annual event at Langley Park Welfare Football Ground in memory of Mary Hayton and to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Mrs Hayton, of Sacriston, was 42 when she died from cancer of the pancreas on June 22, 2003.

Eileen Fort, Mary's sister, said: "The football tournament gave local people a chance to remember Mary and help raise money for vital research into cancer at the same time.

"After Mary's death, we set up the memorial fund in her name to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

"We have already raised over £12,000 and we are hoping this second football tournament will help to generate more funds for research."

Sacriston Working Men's Club beat Langley Park WMC 4-3 on penalties to win the Mary Hayton Charity Shield. Langley Park Ladies beat Sacriston Ladies 4-1 on penalties while Sacriston over-40s beat Langley Park over-40s 8-1.

Researchers at the Northern Institute for Cancer Research work with clinicians at Newcastle hospitals to keep up an extensive clinical trials portfolio and ensure local people have access to the latest cancer treatments.

Suzanne McKenna, Cancer Research UK community fundraiser, said Mary's friends and family had raised a huge amount of money and they were very grateful for their support.