A CURATE who looked after Northallerton when it was without a vicar for 20 months is leaving for pastures new.

The Rev Liz Kitching has been in the parish of Northallerton with Romanby and Kirby Sigston for four years.

She was put in charge when Canon Ian Fox left in April 2003. The new vicar, the Rev Howard Smith, took over in November.

Now Ms Kitching is to be priest-in-charge at Cloughton and Burniston with Ravenscar and Staintondale, near Scarborough.

She said: "People were very gracious and supportive when we were without a vicar and I will miss the people of Northallerton, Romanby and Kirby Sigston."

Her final service will be held at All Saints Church in Northallerton at 10.30am on May 22.