RESIDENTS fed up with anti-social behaviour and littering have signed an agreement to tackle yobbish behaviour.

Householders in Walter Street and on part of Cranbourne Terrace in Stockton have vowed to improve community harmony.

Terms for the community agreement, the first ever in the town, include promising to report incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour, storing and putting out refuse correctly and being a supportive neighbour.

The project has been backed by the residents' group for the area, West End Community Action.

Group secretary and resident of Cranbourne Terrace Denise Newberry said: "The community agreement is another way of getting the community working together to make it a cleaner and safer environment to live in.

"We are looking forward to putting it into place and seeing a positive change."

The initiative has been co-ordinated by Stockton Borough Council's anti-social behaviour team, in partnership with Parkfield/Mill Lane Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder, and follows detailed consultation with residents at recent forums.

The police, fire brigade, local community wardens and enforcement officers have also pledged their support.

Carolyn Crean, crime and disorder manager for Stockton Borough Council, said: "During the consultation process, there were a number of issues that residents identified that made them feel unsafe or dissatisfied about their area. We have worked closely with them to reach a consensus on the standards they would like to promote in their street and we believe that this agreement will encourage a sense of pride and achievement."

The agreement coincides with a £500,000 programme of improvements to the area, which began earlier this year.

The pilot project will be monitored and evaluated at regular residents' meetings.

If successful, it is hoped that it can be extended to other areas within Stockton.

Mrs Crean said: "It shows that residents are keen to work together to make a real difference and we would like to thank them and all other agencies for their time and commitment during this process. We are sure the benefits will soon be felt."