STUDENTS have been recognised for their efforts in an award designed to highlight the work of volunteers.

Three Northallerton College 17-year-olds were nominated to go through to the finals of the Yorkshire and Humberside Millennium Volunteer of the Year Award.

Gordon Nixon, of Great Smeaton, took the honours in the environment category for his work to transform a field into a biodiversity site.

For the past year, he has been taking a leading role in the work to restore trees which have died out in the area and create a haven for insects, birds and wild flowers.

"We are destroying the environment in our daily lives and I wanted to do my bit to leave it a nicer place," he said.

Kathy Longstaff and Natalie Williams, both from Northallerton, reached the final in the support mentoring category for coming to the aid of a family in need.

"A mother had to undergo a serious operation, so for two months we looked after her two young children, did the gardening and the housework," said Natalie.

"It was a lot of fun and we felt we were making a difference," said Kathy. "We have made friends with the family and still see them all. It was great to be nominated for the award and be highly commended for the work we did."

Hambleton Millennium Volunteer project co-ordinator and Northallerton College senior youth worker, Donna Miskin, said: "It was a fantastic achievement and well deserved."