A CLUB has celebrated its 50th anniversary with the gift of a community gazebo.

Richmond Rotary Club has donated the structure for the town's Friary Gardens.

"We wanted to contribute something solid and substantial to mark our presence in the town," said club president Mike Nicholls.

"A gazebo seemed like a lasting, useful and attractive way to serve the community and celebrate our half-century."

Help with the design and location of the gazebo was provided by Richmondshire District Council.

The council's environment unit client officer, Gary Hudson, said: "We needed to get agreement from English Heritage with regard to the foundations of the structure.

"You don't have to dig down very far in that area before you start disturbing the remains of the friary and, of course, this must be avoided.

"As a result, the gazebo will be placed on the old bandstand plinth, adjacent to Greyfriars' Tower."