PLANS to demolish Redcar and Cleveland College's campus in Redcar and sell the land for housing were turned down by councillors on Wednesday.

Dozens of objectors packed the meeting at Belmont House, in Guisborough, and representatives of residents who live close to the college site in Redcar Lane urged the planning committee to refuse the outline application.

They said the area was already at saturation point in terms of houses and traffic, and to lose the playing fields at either side of the campus would be intolerable for the local community. They also pointed out that schools were full, and to allow more housing would only exacerbate the situation.

Officers had recommended approval of the proposal, saying there was not a sufficient shortfall of open space in the area to warrant refusal.

But, after hearing the case put by residents, the committee voted by 7-0, with one abstention, to throw it out on the grounds of loss of open space and the consequent effect on the character of the area..

The college said it planned to use the money raised from the sale of the land to improve its Connections Campus at Corporation Road and operate from the one site.

It also intended to build a new sports hall and all-weather playing field at Corporation Road, which would more than compensate for the loss of open space at Redcar Lane.

But objectors said the new facilities would not be an equivalent, were two miles from Redcar Lane, and would therefore be of no benefit to them.

One resident said the area known as the back field was no longer used by the college, but was widely used by residents, especially, children, as an informal recreation area.

She said: "This is a valued piece of open space and has been used for more than 40 years. The area is already awash with new houses and there are no community facilities.

"The only other open spaces are on the other side of the racecourse, and the only access is through the underpass, which is often flooded and is certainly not suitable for young children to use."

The report by council planners said a petition against the plans had been handed in which contained about 300 signatures. This was contested by objectors who claimed it had 850 signatures.

Collectors' fair

Saltburn Community and Arts Association holds its next fleamarket and collectors' fair tomorrow in the community centre hall between 10am and 4pm. This event is organised to raise funds for the Saltburn Community and Arts Centre. Refreshments will be on sale all day. Admission is free.