AS a camera crew shadowed the 14-year-old around his school, all eyes turned to follow him.

But David Bogg, the teenage football manager, from Darlington, took it all in his stride for his small screen debut.

The Branksome School pupil is slowly getting used to the limelight, after he was crowned The Northern Echo's Local Hero, in recognition of his dedication to grassroots sport.

And he is now preparing to appear on BBC1's sports programme Football Focus tomorrow lunchtime.

David said: "I got the call from the BBC on Tuesday night and, at first, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I was so surprised.

"I asked my teachers if it would be okay for the cameras to follow me around the school and they were very pleased about it.

"My family and friends have been more than supportive about the whole thing, though my mates have joked they won't be watching the programme if I'm going to be on it."

David was filmed in his classroom yesterday, on the school grounds and later with Darlington FC's players and boss, David Hodgson, where he assisted with their training session and gave a team talk.

The youngster was devastated when he was told he could never take part in PE lessons again, because he needed surgery on his foot.

However, he was determined that would not stop him enjoying the game he loved so much and moved from the pitch to the bench.

He was named Local Hero of 2004 after he won the hearts of the judges for overcoming adversity to help turn the school football team into cup winners. Since receiving the title, he has gone on to coach Darlington FC and helped secure two wins in two matches.

The producer of Football Focus, Chris Treece, said: "I was contacted by the editor of the programme who had heard about David through The Northern Echo.

"We thought it was such a great tale and wanted to have a real human face on the programme that people can relate to, as there isn't a lot of that in football these days, especially in the Premiership.

"David is such a positive role model for aspiring players, and indeed coaches, and it is important for the future of the game to see people with his talent and enthusiasm."

David will be featured on Football Focus, on BBC1, which starts at 12.10pm