SAVED by her owner from a death sentence, a remarkable pet has raced her way into the list of the world's record-breakers.

Three-year-old border collie-cross Fizzy lived up to her name by dashing through 50 pairs of legs in 2.1 seconds to earn an entry in next year's Guinness Book of Records. She moved so quickly she was a blur to the cameraman filming her at Newcastle's Leazes Park for the ITV programme Animal Roadshow, due to be broadcast in the summer.

Fizzy will have two entries in the record book. She was part of a four-dog team that raced through 222 people's legs for an earlier record-setting event at Alnwick Castle, in Northumberland.

Her proud owner, veterinary nurse Donna Smith, rescued her as a 13-week-old puppy when the couple who bred her took her to a vet in Northumberland to have her put down.

Ms Smith, who now works at Paul Wilson's practice in Tenters Street, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, and lives at West Cornforth, said: "I could not bear to see her put to sleep as she was fit and healthy. I took her in to foster her at first, but I fell in love with her and she is still around.

"She is crossed with a New Zealand huntaway, which is another working breed, so she needs to be kept busy.

"I started taking her to agility classes and things went on from there. Collies are very clever dogs and they want to learn."