PEOPLE can get advice and information about the fragile bone condition osteoporosis at an awareness day in the North-East next month.

The event, organised by the Durham Support Group of the National Osteoporosis Society (NOS), will be at County Hall, Aykley Heads, Durham, on Saturday, June 11, from 1pm, and will be opened by Sunderland-born TV agony aunt Denise Robertson.

Local experts will be on hand to answer questions and discuss the latest osteoporosis news and treatments available. They will include Dr Alexis Chuck, consultant rheumatologist at the University Hospital of North Durham, and Anne Sutcliffe, ward sister at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital.

Janet Strang, the society's UK development manager, will talk about its work.

Durham's public awareness day coincides with National Osteoporosis Month, during which the charity will announce an rise in the number of people with osteoporosis.

Joan Stephinson, secretary of the Durham NOS support group, said: "With the news that more people are being diagnosed with osteoporosis, we are hoping many will come out to our event to learn more about the condition.

"All are welcome to the day, from those diagnosed with the condition and their families, to those who want to know more. We have various information stands and people to talk to, so make the most of your opportunity to ask the questions important to you."

The Durham support group meets in the common room of the University Hospital North Durham's education centre on the third Tuesday of every month (except August), from 7.30pm to 9pm. For more information, call Ms Stephinson on 0191-385 3708.