PARISH councillors have objected to a controversial housing scheme.

Proposals to build 14 town houses and four apartments at Croft House, Hurworth Place, have been submitted to Darlington Borough Council.

The application is due to be considered by the borough's planning committee on Wednesday and Hurworth Parish Council is hoping its opposition to the scheme will be taken into account.

The parish council debated the plan at a meeting, attended by several villagers, on Tuesday night. Opinion was overwhelmingly against the development.

The Environment Agency is also opposed to the application because of the potential flood risk to the area.

Parish council chairman Clive Bullock said: "If we get those councillors out there and show them where the water goes, that's far more effective than talking about it."

Councillor Alan Gibson said: "It's not suitable housing for that location - it's a contradiction in terms to build town houses in a rural setting."