A CAT lover has spoken of her horror at finding her beloved pet dead after it had been mauled by dogs.

Margaret Turner, 54, spent Bank Holiday Monday playing with her tabby cat, Willow, in the garden of her Lanchester home, which backs on to a bridleway.

At about 5.15pm, she heard dogs barking ferociously and, when she went to investigate, found a man and young boy with three lurchers, one of which had blood dripping from its mouth.

Mrs Turner said she thought the dog had been injured and offered the man a rag, but he walked off. Shortly afterwards, she found the body of her pet.

Mrs Turner said: "I had a sixth sense that something had happened and started walking up the path.

"I found her body and she had been mutilated.

"The poor little thing would not have stood a chance. She was a beautiful cat, very friendly and so trusting."

Mrs Turner got the cat from an RSPCA shelter in January and wanted to give her a new home as she had a bad start in life.

Yesterday, she blasted the dog owner for allowing his dogs to wander and not telling her what happened.

She said: "The idea that she was torn to shreds is very upsetting. That man could have said something - but he didn't. I had to go find she had been mauled myself.

"Those dogs should have been on a lead because he was not in control of them.

"Next time, it could be a child."

The RSCPA offered its sympathies to Mrs Turner and echoed her warning about keeping control of dogs.

An RSPCA spokesman said: "We are really sorry to hear about what happened to the cat. It is awful and Mrs Turner must be very upset.

"We would call for people to keep their animals under control in public places."

Durham Constabulary was called and are now investigating.

Anyone with information about the incident can call PC Jonathan Robinson on 0845 60 60 365.