A NATURE reserve in Darlington has taken delivery of hundreds of fish.

The Maidendale Fishing and Nature Reserve in Firthmoor, is now home to more than 500 fish, including various types of carp. The delivery is part of the first phase to develop two newly-dug lakes, each the size of a football pitch.

Dave Preston, vice-chairman of the Maidendale Fishing and Nature Reserve Trust, said: "We hope to attract new members. We would like young people from the area to use the facility too."

The nature reserve will soon have an information centre, which will be used by members of the public and as an educational centre for school visits.

"The centre will hopefully create new jobs, with a full-time and possibly part-time posts."

Two months ago, the reserve was awarded a £70,000 grant from the County Durham Environmental Trust.

The money will pay for boardwalks, paths and interpretation boards, as well as funding the creation of habitats for a variety of amphibians and wading birds.