A SCOUT group has been singled out for praise by The Northern Echo for its website.

The 40th Hartlepool Scout Group has created a webpage through the Communigate section of the paper's online edition.

The group, based in Tunstall Avenue, has been singled out as the pick of new websites.

It was awarded a digital camera by the Echo's community web editor Karen Maughan.

Keith Jones, who designed the site, which includes information about the activities of the group's Beaver and Scout troops, said: "I was asked by my girlfriend, who is one of the Scout leaders, to design the site.

"The idea was just to get information out there about the group and what it is doing. We want to try and keep it regularly updated."

Ms Maughan said: "I was impressed with the amount of detail on the website and it was obvious quite a lot of work had gone into its creation."