THE Roman Catholic Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle has performed his first ordination of priests since his appointment.

The Right Reverend Kevin Dunn conducted the ceremony for Christopher Warren and Mark Millward on Saturday in St Mary's Church, Newcastle.

Bishop Kevin said he was delighted to be conducting the ordination of Mr Warren, 24, who joined at Ushaw College seminary in Durham City, and Mr Millward, 43, who is married with two children and is chaplain to the South of Tyne and Wearside Mental Health Trust.

Next Saturday, he will ordain Peter Jones, Peter Lavery, Frank O'Neill and Vincent Purcell as permanent deacons.

They will be rekindling a 2,000-year-old tradition, working alongside priests.

The Permanent Diaconate's reintroduction to the region was initiated in 1999 by Bishop Kevin's predecessor, the Right Reverend Ambrose Griffiths.