CRIMEFIGHTERS are taking their battle against house and car theft to residents with a new campaign to cut offences on Teesside.

Crime prevention officers Phil Taylor and Gerry McBride are hoping to sell as many safety devices as possible in the hope that more people can protect their property against thieves.

In an attempt to reach people for the first time, they will be taking over a shop in The Mall shopping centre, in Middlesbrough, where specialist thief-proof equipment will be sold at cost price.

Mr McBride said it was the first time they had attempted to take the fight against crime into a shopping centre, but he said he hoped to reach the masses.

"We are taking over an entire shop unit for two days in the hope of reaching people we would normally miss," said Mr McBride, community safety manager for Safe in Tees Valley.

"There are hundreds of people who would not think to come to a police station to get information, but they may drop in while shopping.

"We simply want to help people to help themselves."

Cleveland Police crime prevention officer Mr Taylor said the number of burglary and theft offences was falling, but they could be reduced further.

He said the shed and garage alarms sounded at 130 decibels when set off, and the steering wheel lock took 18 minutes to remove.

The officers are selling the shed alarms for £10, but said they could also be used in caravans and used to protect individual rooms in homes.

The steering wheel locks will be sold for £50, but Mr Taylor said they usually retailed for £80.

Marketing manager at The Mall, Tracey Surtees, said the shop would be given over free of charge on Friday and Saturday, June 17 and 18, and free personal security alarms would also be handed out to shoppers.

She said: "If we can prevent just one offence it will have been worth it. We feel it's important to help the people of Tees Valley in the fight against crime."

Sue Willoughby, crime reduction co-ordinator at Middlesbrough Council, said: "Quite often, people don't want to concern police with a general query, but if they are passing, it will be easy to drop in and talk."

The crime prevention unit will be set up opposite Littlewoods, in The Mall, between 10am and 3.30pm on June 17 and 18.

For more information about safety devices or advice, go to