THE Royal Artillery motorcycle display team will be the star attraction at an Army open day later this month.

The team, known as the Flying Gunners, will entertain the crowds at Catterick Garrison on Saturday, June 25.

The soldiers regularly appear at military events, including the Royal Tournament and Edinburgh Tattoo. They have also performed on television shows such Record Breakers and Noel's House Party.

Open day organiser Major Gareth Wright said this year's event was particularly poignant as it coincided with celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

"Although these are very busy times for the British Army, the servicemen and women of Catterick Garrison really look forward to putting on a first-class open day and enjoy it as much as the visitors," he said.

"When you have world-renowned performers such as the Flying Gunners and the freefall parachute display team, I am sure the visitors will not be disappointed."

Admission costs £5 per car, or £1 for adult pedestrians and 50p for children. The event will be held at Marne Barracks and the gates open at 10am.