A COMPANY accountant who stole more than £7,000 from his firm to fund his cocaine habit walked free from court today.

Brian Lowther had already been sacked from Springfield in Sunderland for stealing a "substantial" amount of money, but bosses at Gain Manor Fiat at the Silverlink, North Tyneside decided to give him a chance.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how within months Lowther had taken about £7,500 to support his daily habit.

The 33-year-old had escaped prosecution when his family paid back the money he had taken from Springfield and it was decided the police would not be involved.

But despite Lowther's sister paying £10,000 back to bosses at Gain Manor Fiat, the police were contacted and he was arrested.

Lowther, of Habgood Drive, Gilesgate, Durham, admitted theft and told police he needed the cash to subsidise his cocaine habit.

Defence barrister Peter Schofield said Lowther had a "rampant" addiction to the class A drug and ran up debts of £40,000 to pay for it. The court heard how Lowther made a personal apology to his colleagues and bosses at Gain Manor Fiat and immediately accepted he was responsible for the missing money.

Mr Schofield said Lowther has been drug free for the past three months and is unlikely to end up before a judge again. Mr Recorder Kershaw sentenced Lowther to 240 hours community punishment.

The judge told him: "You ran up debts approaching £40,000 and then started stealing from employers in order to fuel this habit which was costing you a substantial amount of money each day.

"You've made a mess of your life so far, it is time to sort it out."