PUPILS at a Darlington primary school will today find out about the latest security measures to keep school property safe.

Darlington Borough Council is launching SmartWater in schools across the town in time for the summer holidays.

Pupils at Firthmoor Primary School will get to see it in action this morning.

SmartWater is a clear, forensic liquid that can be applied to valuable property such as computers.

Only a small amount is needed to protect equipment and, once applied, it is almost impossible to remove.

Each bottle of SmartWater carries its own DNA-type code that can be detected by the police and used to identify where the property came from.

As well as demonstrating how SmartWater works, a police officer will ask pupils at Firthmoor to keep watch on their school during the summer holidays and to report suspicious activity.

Every child will also be given a leaflet to take home telling them that property in the school has been marked, and a poster will go up outside the school encouraging pupils, staff and residents to report suspicious activity.

Police and school staff hope the SmartWater and the public's increased vigilance will reduce the number of cases of school vandalism and theft this year.