Pupils at Skelton Primary School prove they are bright sparks by officially switching on their £20,000 solar panels installed with funding from The Co-operative.

The children were joined by The Co-operative’s colourful climate change character Sunny Solar for the launch of the rooftop panels, which are half funded by The Co-operative’s £2m Green energy for Schools scheme with match-funding from the Government’s Low Carbon Building Programme (LCBP).

Michael Fairclough, The Co-operative’s head of community and campaigns, said: “As a community business with a long track record in using renewable energy to power our own buildings, it makes sense to bring our experience and funding to help a local school in this way.

“By switching on these solar panels, Skelton Primary School is is teaching the next generation about climate change, while setting an excellent example to other schools, businesses and homes in Cleveland. We hope this will inspire wider efforts to reduce the whole community’s carbon footprint.”

Head teacher Sarah Walker added: “We are delighted to play our part in promoting and using renewable energy. We are very grateful to The Co-operative for their generous support.

“We are already working hard to reduce the school’s carbon footprint and switching on these rooftop solar panels will instantly boost our efforts while sending out a strong message about our commitment to helping the environment.”