Becky Mitchell, a wedding and portrait photographer studied photography for five years and graduated in 2005 from Cleveland College of Art & Design.

“Things were slow to start with” states Becky “Although I had loads of qualifications, most people like to use photographers that have been recommended or that have worked for a friend or relative. A lot of people decide to use their hobby and make some extra cash by branching out into wedding photography and so people become (quite rightly) a bit wary.

I know a lot of people who have been upset and disappointed with their photographs. It’s important to realise your responsibility to clients – they spend a lot of money, time and effort on their big day and the photographer has to get it right every time.

I remember from my wedding day how important little details are and it’s nice to be able to share these with a photographer who understands… plus I just love all the girly stuff!

Most of my work I do now it through recommendation. It’s important to keep standards high at all times as a good reputation is easily lost!”

In 2009 Becky joined forces with Profile Gallery in Saltburn. “It’s nice to have a base to work from and where I can meet clients” Becky continues “I run a portrait studio as well as my wedding and location work. November and December were great; a lot of people have photoshoots as surprise Christmas presents.

It was great in the New Year when we heard about people’s reaction to the presents – family members were thrilled with their gifts and even shed a few tears… tears of joy I’d better add!!

Again most work was through recommendation. We also sold quite a lot of gift vouchers for family shoots which keep us ticking over through the leaner winter months!

No obligation friendly advice is always available from Becky at Profile Gallery, Ruby Street, Saltburn, and Becky can be contacted on 01287 200231, 07903548435 or through the website –