A FAMOUS storybook wizard entertained primary schoolchildren by reading stories.

The youngsters at Dodmire School, in Darlington, were read to by Gandalf, the wizard, star of the Hobbit, which is being staged at Darlington Civic Theatre.

The show has been on three successful national tours and spent two seasons in London’s West End.

The story of JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit will be at the Civic Theatre from Tuesday until Sunday, March 21.

The stage adaptation has been created by Glyn Robbins, known for his adaptations of the CS Lewis classics, including The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

The Civic Theatre’s stage will be transformed into Middle Earth for the adventure of wizards, magic rings and a dragon’s treasure.

Performances are at 7.30pm from Tuesday until Saturday, with matinees on Thursday at 1.30pm, Saturday at 2.30pm, and Sunday at 3pm.

Tickets cost from £17 to £25.50.

To book, call the box office on 01325-486555 or visit darlingtonarts.co.uk