A LANDLORD has been forced to quit his pub after claims there was too much trouble in his premises – despite huge support from his customers.

Dennis Brannigan took over The Castle Tavern, in Market Square, Richmond, North Yorkshire, in December, but was asked to leave by owners Punch Taverns last week.

The company says it acted after being told by North Yorkshire Police that there were concerns over the management of the pub.

More than 400 customers signed a petition calling for Mr Brannigan to be saved – and some have sworn never to drink there again.

Mr Brannigan admits two of his nephews were involved in a fight in a different pub several weeks ago, but insists he is a responsible landlord who has not been given the chance to sort out teething troubles.

He said: “I wanted the police to come down and have a chat about the bits of trouble that we have had, but no one has ever been down.

“When a new landlord moves in, troublemakers will always flock to the pub to see how far they can push it, but whenever anyone has caused trouble, we’ve dealt with it in the right way.”

Guy Sotheran, a customer, said: “We can’t understand why the brewery would want rid of them when they have saved this pub and made it a great place for local people.

“Some people have said they will never drink there again because of what the brewery has done.”

JOB FIGHT: Dennis Brannigan outside the Castle Tavern pub with the petition from regulars who want him to stay Picture: RICHARD DOUGHTY By Vicki Henderson vicki.henderson@nne.co.uk A North Yorkshire Police spokesman said the force did not evict Mr Brannigan, but had raised concerns with Punch Taverns.

In a statement, the force said: “A meeting was called with Punch Taverns following concerns about incidents of disorder and nuisance associated with the Castle Tavern.

“The police have no power to evict a licensee without a formal request to the licensing authority.

“North Yorkshire Police has not made such a request.

Any decision to evict the licensee has been taken by his employers.”

A spokeswoman for Punch Taverns said: “We have co-operated fully with the local authorities who requested that the current licensee be removed from the Castle Tavern.

“The pub remains open for trade and our focus is now on the future of the pub.”