A MAN who killed his long term partner after she said she was going to leave him has today been jailed for 10 years.

Mark Dunning, 48, of Chestnut Square, Stockton was charged with murder but, after a four-day trial at Newcastle Crown Court, was convicted of manslaughter by reason of provocation.

The court had heard that in July last year, Dunning had been drinking heavily after attending the funeral of a friend and had argued with Catherine Kirton, 45, with whom he had had a relationship for 20 years.

He told the court he began hitting her after she struck him on the back of the head but he did not realise he was still holding a knife he had been using to cut his cuticles.

Ms Kirton died of her wounds the following day.

Recorder of Newcastle, Judge David Hodson, said it was a difficult case for the court to balance and that no sentence could assuage the feelings of Ms Kirton's family.