A PRISONER detained for slitting the throat of a butcher is being hunted by police after escaping from hospital.

Fida Mohammed Utmanzi, a 20-year-old with links to the North-East, escaped from the North London Clinic in Church Street, Edmonton, at 7.23pm on Monday.

He disappeared just eight weeks after he was detained indefinitely under the Mental Health Act on being convicted of manslaughter at the Old Bailey.

Police warned members of the public not to approach the fugitive, but to dial 999 immediately.

The killer was last seen wearing black tracksuit bottoms with white stripes on the sides, a navy-blue hooded top and grey trainers.

He is 6ft 1in tall, of thin build, with short black hair. He has cigarette burns on his arms.

Utmanzi has connections in North and West London, but has also spent time in Newcastle.

The Old Bailey heard Utmanzi bludgeoned his friend Rasool Khan, 20, with a dumbbell before fatally stabbing him after suffering months of paranoid delusions.

Mr Khan's body was found wrapped in a blood-soaked duvet at his flat in West Green Road, Haringey, on March 3 last year.

The two men, both Afghan asylum seekers who met in the north of England, had been seen getting off a bus together.

* Anyone who may have information about his whereabouts is asked to call detectives on 07717 483 332.