AN MP has had a half-apint of beer poured over her by an irate constituent.

Anne McIntosh, the Vale of York Conservative MP, was attacked by David Andrews, leader of an environmental pressure group during Friday’s constituency surgery which was held in a pub in Thirsk, North Yorkshire.

“I regret to say that there was an unfortunate incident involving a constituent which is the first time this has ever happened to me or at one of my surgeries,” said Ms McIntosh, who is a shadow environment minister. Clearly the behaviour was unacceptable and it doesn’t help to promote either the issue or democracy.”

Mr Andrews leads the Dalton Incinerator steering committee, which is fighting proposals by North Yorkshire County Council to possibly site an incinerator at Dalton.

He was unable to see Ms McIntosh because her surgery was fully-booked, but went along and tipped the John Smith’s Smooth over her.

Mr Andrews, a Conservative voter, said: “Maybe it was the wrong thing to do, but she didn’t even listen to me and then said she disagreed.

She just didn’t want to get involved.

“That was unacceptable and I tipped a pint over her head. I was really disappointed for it to come to this.”

In a later email to Ms McIntosh’s office, Mr Andrews apologised to the other constituents for the scene, but added: “I cannot say I am sorry for your personal humiliation and my bad behaviour.”

Police are aware of the incident, but no formal complaint has been made.

A Wetherspoons spokesman said: “She does hold regular political surgeries at the pub and it’s unfortunate that this incident took place.”

Ms McIntosh, who has a 13,712 majority, was first elected for the seat in 1997, but in the forthcoming General Election, boundary changes mean she will be contesting the new Thirsk and Malton constituency.

Jonathan Roberts, Labour’s candidate for the seat, said: “I have to say this is deeply disappointing and completely out of character, especially given the force of his argument is so sound.”

Howard Keal, the Liberal Democrat candidate, said: “Whatever the feelings on this I don’t think a beer shampoo is the best way to advance an argument.

I understand the frustrations of the group involved, but I hope that in the future it will be verbal assaults and not liquid ones.”