A man who threw drug packages ringed with hooks over the walls of a prison so inmates could fish them into their cells is starting his own jail term today.

David Redshaw, 38, hurled a bag containing packages of cannabis resin - worth £300 in prison - a heroin substitute worth up to £1,200 and a mobile phone over the walls of Holme House Prison, in Stockton, on December 8.

Teesside Crown Court was told that Redshaw, of Crieff Walk, Hartlepool, was spotted on December 8 by two police officers on foot patrol just five metres from the perimeter fence.

He ran off, but not before he threw a white carrier bag over the fence, said prosecutor Ian Mullarkey.

Mr Mullarky said: "Inside the bag were two packages made from socks with a number of brass hooks protruding from them."

"They each contained cannabis, cannabis resin, Subutex and a mobile telephone with a Sim card."

Redshaw told police he had been paid £30 to make the delivery from someone in Billingham and did not know what was in the bag.

He did accept he knew some prisoners in Holme House.

Richard Herrmann, defending, said one of Redshaw's brothers had been phoning him from the prison, saying he had been threatened with serious harm because he owed a debt to another inmate.

Redshaw was jailed for 27 months after pleading guilty to possession of drugs and prohibited property with intent to supply.

Recorder Charles Ekins told him: "I am perfectly satisfied that you were aware of what was in those packages. You were there five metres from the perimeter fence, and I am quite sure you intended to throw them over the fence.

"This was a professional enterprise. Those drugs had been packaged professionally and modified to make it easier for someone to get hold of them."

A spokeswoman for Cleveland Police said: "We hope this sends a clear message to anybody involved in drug-related offences that you will be caught and brought to justice."