A SINGLE mother seduced a schoolboy and kept a diary of their sex sessions before she bought him a pair of trainers when he reached a milestone.

Angela Sullivan, 36, had sex with the boy almost 200 times and gave the 12-year-old the gift as a reward after he had slept with her for the 100th time.

Sullivan is now facing a lengthy prison sentence for corrupting the youngster after first getting him drunk and performing a sex act on him.

She had a ten-month fling with the boy last year, often having sex at her home when she sent her son to stay with his grandparents at weekends.

When police arrested her in October, they found a diary filled with adolescent-like entries, and 191 stars denoting each time they had slept together.

Sullivan denied having sex with the boy when interviewed, and is said to have tried to give excuses for the markings in the book.

She also tried to explain away to detectives some of the entries – such as “Angela loves (the boy’s name)” – as innocent scribblings.

When she appeared in court, however, she admitted ten specimen charges of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity – one for each month.

Her case was adjourned so psychiatric and probation reports can be drawn up, and she will return to Teesside Crown Court next month to be sentenced.

Sullivan, of Cavendish Road, Middlesbrough, was remanded in custody until her next appearance.

Her lawyer, Andrew Turton, applied for the psychiatric report, about which Judge Tony Briggs said: “I think that is likely to be necessary.”

The Northern Echo understands that details of the illicit affair emerged when rumours circulated at the boy’s school about Sullivan being pregnant.

Investigators later discovered that he had been boasting to friends in chat rooms.

Sullivan, who has no previous convictions, could be jailed indefinitely for the protection of the public.

Several windows at the unemployed mother’s home have been smashed since she was arrested and held in prison.