LABOUR members are calling for urgent talks with party bosses who told them to choose a female candidate for the next General Election.

Members of former cabinet minister Hilary Armstrong's North West Durham constituency have rejected a ruling by their National Executive Committee (NEC).

Last week, the NEC accepted an earlier organisational committee decision to impose an all women short list in North West Durham despite the constituency's attempts to have it overturned.

Labour introduced its controversial all women short lists to encourage more women into parliament, but the policy has been unpopular with grassroots supporters.

The constituency party met at St Catherine's Church Hall, in Crook, last night to discuss the issue for a third time.

Members turned out in force to overwhelmingly rebuff party orders.

Constituency chairman, Councillor Joe Armstrong, on behalf of the group, said: "The North West Durham constituency Labour Party rejects the decision of the National Executive Committee to impose an all women short list and we are seeking urgent talks with the National Executive Committee to see how we can resolve this in an amicable way."