RESIDENTS have spoken of their relief after a controversial and “alien” eco-lodge scheme was refused planning permission.

The plans, which would have seen 12 solar-panelled log cabins built close to a conservation area at Easby, near Richmond, were rejected by Richmondshire District Council’s planning committee at a meeting on Tuesday.

The application had been dogged by controversy since it was submitted last year, when it was withdrawn by applicant Randall Orchard following objections from residents.

They were concerned over increased noise and pollution, and what they said was a “dangerous” new access road.

Mr Orchard re-worked and re-submitted the application, saying he had taken their considerations into account – but councillors disagreed.

Councillor Jane Parlour said: “As a planning committee, we often have applications before us where the reasons for and against are very finely balanced.

“However, with this application it has tipped very much against it. I feel it would have a hugely detrimental impact on the Easby Conservation Area, and I can’t see any way that could be mitigated.

“With planning, it’s all about finding the right development in the right setting.

“This may or may not be the right development, but it’s definitely not the right setting.”

At the meeting, seven residents read out their letters of objection to the scheme, ranging from a 19-year-old to a woman in her 80s.

After the meeting, Easby Hall resident Karen Clarke, said: “All the residents feel very relieved that our views were shared by the planning officers, councillors, police and Highway Authority.”

Mr Orchard said: “I am fairly aggrieved at the results of the meeting. We will consider all our options before deciding on the next move.”