A WEAR Valley housing company is improving its service by expanding its estate caretakers scheme.

Dale & Valley Homes already employs two caretakers, who work across the former Wear Valley district to improve the look of council estates.

By bringing in a new supervisor, an extra community caretaker and two apprentices the company anticipates helping more vulnerable tenants to improve the look of their homes by mending fences, keeping on top of their gardens and doing other minor work which make estates look cared for and well-maintained.

Pat Wanless, director of housing operations, said: "Since we introduced the caretaker scheme it has been really appreciated by our customers, especially those who are older or disabled.

"Some more able residents struggle to afford specialist equipment rather than to actually do the work. In those cases the caretakers will help them out and the residents do their bit too.

"Our caretakers really make a difference to the way people feel about the areas they live in, which helps combat anti-social behaviour and improve life for everyone.

"By taking on these four new people we will be able to do more of this valuable work, create new jobs for this area and train two young people, giving them valuable skills for the future."

Dale & Valley has been working with Jobcentre Plus to find suitable candidates for the jobs, particularly the long-term unemployed, and with East Durham and Houghall Community College to set up the apprenticeship scheme. Contact Jobseeker Direct on 0845-6060234.