HOLLYWOOD star James Cromwell, best known for playing Farmer Hoggett in the 1995 film Babe, is to star in a new theatre production of Shakespeare’s King Lear, ironically set, and performed, in a slaughterhouse.

The announcement came as Los Angeles-born Mr Cromwell made a whistle stop visit to York to take part in a one-off question and answer session at York Theatre Royal about a production of The White Crow: Eichmann in Jerusalem.

The contemporary production of King Lear will come to York in the autumn of 2010 and will be staged in an abattoir to match the setting of the adaptation, which sees the action moved to Sarajevo during the siege of the city in the mid-1990’s.

A company whose theatre has been bombed out by Serbs are forced to put their production on in a disused abattoir/slaughterhouse.

Mr Cromwell has also appeared in The Queen, The Green Mile and the Star Trek films.