EXPERT tips on unlocking the secrets of the past are on offer to local history enthusiasts in North Yorkshire this month.

A lunchtime teach-in to help people make the best use of historical documents such as medieval court rolls is being offered by North Yorkshire County Council.

The event, part of Local Community History Month, is to be held at the County Records Office in Northallerton on May 29 from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.

It will feature expert advice from Christine Newman, a professional researcher and president of Northallerton and District Local History Society.

"There is a wealth of material in thousands of documents available in the County Record Office and in other archives," said corporate director of adult and community services Derek Law.

"Knowing where to find them, and then how to make best use of them, is the focus of this latest in our series of talks and lectures based on the expertise of the record office staff and of people like Christine who know where to look and what to look for."

Admission is £2, including light refreshments, and booking is advisable. To book a place, call John Sheehan on 01609-771878.