PUPILS and staff have been having their say on their new school.

The views of teachers and youngsters from Durham Johnston School, which was rebuilt at a cost of £23.8m, can be seen on Durham County Council’s website.

A two-minute presentation features interviews with headteacher Carolyn Roberts, head boy Ben Bartlett and Councillor Claire Vasey, the council’s cabinet member for children and young people’s services, talking about the facilities.

Coun Vasey said: "The new Durham Johnston School building is fantastic - and it’s only the start.

"Our Building Schools for the Future and academies programme gives us a once in a lifetime opportunity to create the kind of educational facilities that every parent wants for their child."

To view the Durham Johnston presentation, go to durham.gov.uk and search for ‘Durham Johnston School sound slide’.

Information on the council’s free swimming scheme can be seen at durham.gov.uk/freeswimming To see details of a garden waste recycling scheme, go to durham.gov.uk and click on ‘garden waste collections video’.