A MAN was resuscitated by air ambulance staff after having a heart attack at the wheel of his van.

The man’s heart stopped beating for half an hour after he became ill while driving down Salters Lane North, in Darlington, at about 4pm yesterday.

Spotting the man clutching his chest, pedestrians rushed to his aid and performed heart compressions until an ambulances and a helicopter from the Great North Air Ambulance Service arrived.

The helicopter, which landed in the car park of Harrowgate Hill Club, then flew the man to The James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough.

But during the journey to the hospital, the man, who is believed to be in his 40s, had to again be resuscitated. By the time the ambulance arrived at the hospital, he was breathing for himself, but had not regained consciousness.

The man was in intensive care last night and his condition was described as critical.

Paramedics praised the pedestrians who performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on him before the ambulance crews arrived.

Jane Peacock, of the air ambulance, said: “Without a shadow of doubt they made the difference between him living and dying. If people are able to perform CPR the chances of survival are far greater.

“It’s so important that the public learn to do CPR.” Ms Peacock added: “If we get a positive result, it’s always very good. Along with the road crews, who did a great job, that’s our aim. It’s all about us working as a team.”

Police had to close Salters Lane North for about two hours. A spokesman said: “No other persons were involved in the incident, although there was damage caused to a bollard and a garden wall.”

Anyone who would like CPR or first aid training is asked to call 01325-487263.

■ Did you witness the incident, or help the man? Call Jim Entwistle on 01325-505072.