A MAN was left with cuts, bruises and a broken nose after he was kicked and punched unconscious by a gang of teenagers.

The attack happened at Redcar High Street on Saturday night.

As many as 14 teenagers were involved in the apparently unprovoked assault on the 18-year-old at 11.10pm.

Inspector Ian Grunwell of Cleveland Police, said: "During this incident, which was partially captured on CCTV, an 18-year-old local man was kicked and punched unconscious by a group of teenagers.

"He sustained a broken nose, a cut above his eye which required stitching, and multiple bruises to his face.

"He was released after medical treatment for his injuries.

"It would appear it was an unprovoked attack by a group of 12 to 14 teenagers, of which six were young females.

"Prior to the attack the group was seen sitting outside the Marks and Spencer store, and after attacking the man, the group ran through Regent Walk towards Kwik Save and into West Dyke Road."

Police are appealing for information. Call PC Trish Harland on 01642-302626, or ring Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.