THE owners of a derelict factory which has become an eyesore strewn with rubbish are to clean up the site or face prosecution.

Hambleton District Council have given Wordsworth Holdings, of Grantham, six weeks to tidy up the site in Northallerton.

The York Trailers site on Yafforth Road has become littered with dumped household waste, black sacks, tyres, scrap metal and wood.

There is also debris from the derelict buildings based on the site.

The district council has served notice on Wordsworth Holdings to clear the site before June 19 or it will face court action.

Maurice Cann, head of service – development, said: "This area of the town has been an eyesore for far too long.

"It is blighted by dumped rubbish as well as the general debris from the derelict buildings.

"Although there is a planning application to build houses on this land we cannot wait for any new development before this is cleaned up.

"Members of the public have been urging the Northallerton Area Forum to do something about this – we intend that this action will see the area cleaned up.

"The site owner has agreed to tidy the site up but the formal notice will ensure this is done without further delay."

The council expects an application from Yuill Homes and Taylor Wimpey in the Autumn to build 273 houses on the site.