RESIDENTS of an east Durham community have been invited to a public event to have their say on further healthcare provision in their area.

To help with the process in a third event will be held in the lounge of the Horden Social Welfare Centre, Seventh Street, Horden, from 6pm to 7pm tomorrow (Tuesday May 19).

Local people could get a purpose built healthcare building under news plans being drawn up by NHS County Durham.

Horden’s three practices, Jupiter House, Horden Group practice and Shinwell Medical Group have organised the event to give the residents of Horden an opportunity to have their say and for us to listen to their views on the proposal.

Charlotte West, business manager at the Jupiter health practice, said: "The needs and priorities of patients and the public belong at the heart of the NHS, which is why the practices have adopted the approach of a public event to help shape an NHS which the public want. "Asking the local community what they want from their healthcare services by having these consultations will give us a better understanding of local people’s health priorities."