A £100,000 SCHEME to revamp an alley that provides an important pedestrian link to a market town’s main street has been completed.

The formerly pot-holed track, which links Emgate and Market Place, in Bedale, was recently re-surfaced using York stone.

Councillor Wanda Reynolds, mayor of Bedale, cut a ribbon to mark the completion of the work, on Friday.

She was joined by deputy mayor Bob Pocklington and Yvonne Rose, chairwoman of the town’s chamber of trade and tourism.

The work was overseen by Hambleton District Council, with funding from English Heritage and regional development agency Yorkshire Forward.

Mark Haynes, of the district council’s delivery team, said: "There is still a little bit of tidying and sweeping up to do, but the work all but finished."

Mr Haynes said the resurfacing work would benefit shoppers walking into Bedale town centre from nearby Aiskew.